E-mail: witek@amu.edu.pl
Telefon: 0048-61-829 6025
Stanowisko: profesor UAM
Opiekun laboratorium spektrometrii gamma
Specjalność: sedymentologia, geochemia, geozagrożenia, geologia morza, badania polarne
Główne zainteresowania naukowe:
- Współczesne procesy sedymentacji, zwłaszcza w środowisku glacjalnym, przybrzeżnym, deltowym i szelfowym
- Zapis geologiczny i skutki katastrof naturalnych (tsunami, impakty meteorytowe, powodzie, sztormy, szarże lodowcowe, osuwiska) i zmian środowiskowych
- Tempo akumulacji osadów i metody jego określania (radioizotopy 210Pb, 137Cs)
- Natężenie erozji, transportu i akumulacji osadów oraz węgla organicznego
- Aplikacje kopalnego DNA w badaniach geologicznych
- Lodowce, wieloletnia zmarzlina i jaskinie lodowe
- Geologia środowiskowa
Artykuły recenzowane
- Brzozowski, M., Kowalewski, G., Szczuciński, W., Kaczmarek, L., Pełechaty, M., 2021. Preliminary evidence of an endangered species benefiting from moderate climate warming: A palaeolimnological study of the charophyte Lychnothamnus barbatus. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3672. link – open access
- Moskalewicz, D., Szczuciński, W., Mroczek, P. 2021. Characterization of storm surge deposits along the shore of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) applying heavy mineral analysis. Quaternary International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.05.011. link
- Bellanova, P., Frenken, M., Reicherter, K., Jaffe, B., Szczuciński, W., Schwarzbauer, J. 2020. Anthropogenic pollutants and biomarkers for the identification of 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposits (Japan). Marine Geology, 422: 106117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106117 link
- Dziuba, M.K., Herdegen-Radwan, M., Pluta, E., Wejnerowski, Ł., Szczuciński, W., Cerbin, S. 2020. Temperature increase altered Daphnia community structure in artificially heated lakes: a potential scenario for a warmer future. Scientific Reports, 10: 13956. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70294-6 link – open access
- Engel, M., Schön, I., Patel, T., Pawłowski, J., Szczuciński W., Dawson, S., Garrett, E., Heyvaert, V.M.A., 2020. Chapter 20 – Paleogenetic approaches in tsunami deposit studies. In: Engel, M., Pilarczyk, J., May, S.M., Brill, D., Garrett, E. (eds.) Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves, Elsevier, 427-442. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815686-5.00020-1 link
- Jagodziński, R., Sternal, B., Stattegger, K., Szczuciński, W., 2020. Sediment distribution and provenance on the continental shelf off the Mekong River, SE Vietnam: Insights from heavy mineral analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 196: 104357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104357 link
- Jang, K., Bayon, G., Han, Y., Joo, Y.J., Kim, J.H., Ryu, J.S., Woo, J., Forwick, M., Szczuciński, W., Kim, J.H., Nam, S.I., 2020. Neodymium isotope constraints on chemical weathering and past glacial activity in Svalbard. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542: 116319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116319 link
- Łącka, M., Michalska, D., Pawłowska, J., Szymańska, N., Szczuciński, W., Forwick, M., Zajączkowski, M., 2020. Multiproxy paleoceanographic study from the western Barents Sea reveals dramatic Younger Dryas onset followed by oscillatory warming trend. Scientific Reports, 10: 15667. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72747-4 link – open access
- Moskalewicz, D., Szczuciński, W., Mroczek, P., Vaikutiene, G., 2020. Sedimentary record of historical extreme storm surges on the Gulf of Gdańsk coast, Baltic Sea. Marine Geology, 420: 106084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106084 link
- Strzelecki, M.C., Szczuciński, W., Dominiczak, A., Zagórski, P., Dudek, J., Knight, J., 2020. New fjords, new coasts, new landscapes: The geomorphology of paraglacial coasts formed after recent glacier retreat in Brepollen (Hornsund, southern Svalbard). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(5): 1325-1334. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4819 link – open access
- Szczuciński, W., 2020. Chapter 21 – Post-depositional changes to tsunami deposits and their preservation potential. In: Engel, M., Pilarczyk, J., May, S.M., Brill, D., Garrett, E. (eds.) Geological Records of Tsunamis and Other Extreme Waves, Elsevier, 443-469. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815686-5.00021-3 link
- Szczuciński, W., Muszyński, A., 2020. Meteoryty, kratery uderzeniowe i inne ślady kosmicznej katastrofy w rejonie Moraska pod Poznaniem. Przegląd Geologiczny, 68(8): 637-644. link – open access
- Szokaluk M., Jagodziński R., Muszyński A., Szczuciński W., 2019 – Geology of the Morasko craters, Poznań, Poland – small impact craters in unconsolidated sediments. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 54 (7): 1478–1494. doi: 10.1111/maps.13290.
- Vött, A., Bruins, H.J., Gawehn, M., Goodman-Tchernov B.N., De Martini P.M., Kelletat D.; Mastronuzzi G., Reicherter K., Rötbke B.R., Scheffers A., Willershätuser T., Avramidis P., Bellanova P., Costa P.J.M., Finkler C., Hadler H., Koster B., Lario J., Reinhardt E., Mathes-Schmidt M., Ntageretzis K., Pantosti D., Papanikolaou I., Sansò P., Scicchitano G., Smedile A., Szczuciński W., 2019 – Publicity waves based on manipulated geoscientific data suggesting climatic trigger for majority of tsunami findings in the Mediterranean – Response to ‘Tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean’ by Marriner et al. (2017). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 62, Suppl. 2: 7-45. doi: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2018/0547 link
- Zawierucha K., Baccolo G., Di Mauro B., Nawrot A., Szczuciński W., Kalińska E., 2019 – Micromorphological features of mineral matter from cryoconite holes on Arctic (Svalbard) and alpine (the Alps, the Caucasus) glaciers. Polar Science, 22: 100482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2019.100482
- Benjamin J.,Rosser N.J., Dunning S.A., Hardy, R.J., Kelfoun K., Szczuciński W., 2018 – Transferability of a calibrated numerical model of rock avalanche run-out: application to 20 rock avalanches on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(15): 3057-3073. doi: 10.1002/esp.4469.
- Ćwiąkała J., Moskalik M., Forwick M., Wojtysiak K., Giżejewski J., Szczuciński W., 2018 – Submarine geomorphology at the front of the retreating Hansbreen tidewater glacier, Hornsund fjord, southwest Spitsbergen. Journal of Maps, 14(2): 123-134. doi: 10.1080/17445647.2018.1441757
- Gradziński M., Nowak J., Rachlewicz G., Siarzewski W., Strug K., Szczuciński W., 2018 – Ice Caves in Poland. In: A. Perşoiu and S.E. Lauritzen (eds.) Ice Caves, Elsevier, 493-510.
- Lyså A., Larsen E.A., Høgaas F., Jensen M.A., Klug M., Rubensdotter L., Szczuciński, W., 2018 – A temporary glacier-surge ice-dammed lake, Braganzavågen, Svalbard. Boreas, 47(3): 837-854. https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12302.
- Moskalik M., Ćwiąkała J., Szczuciński W., Dominiczak A., Głowacki O. Wojtysiak K., Zagórski P., 2018 – Spatiotemporal changes in the concentration and composition of suspended particulate matter in front of Hansbreen, a tidewater glacier in Svalbard. Oceanologia, 60(4): 446-463. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceano.2018.03.001
- Pleskot K., Tjallingii R., Makohonienko M., Nowaczyk N., Szczuciński W., 2018 – Holocene paleohydrological reconstruction of Lake Strzeszyńskie (western Poland) and its implications for the central European climatic transition zone. Journal of Paleolimnology, 59(4): 443-459. DOI 10.1007/s10933-017-9999-2.
- Telesiński M.M., Przytarska J.E., Sternal B., Forwick M., Szczuciński W., Łącka M., Zajączkowski M., 2018 – Palaeoceanographic evolution of the SW Svalbard shelf over the last 14 000 years. Boreas, 47(2): 410-422. https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12282.
- Chagué-Goff C., Szczuciński W., Shinozaki T., 2017 – Applications of geochemistry in tsunami research: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 165: 203-244.
- Kirkham J.D., Rosser N.J., Wainwright J., Vann Jones E.C., Dunning S.A., Lane V.S., Hawthorn D.E., Strzelecki M.C., Szczuciński W., 2017 – Drift-dependent changes in iceberg size-frequency distributions. Scientific Reports, 7, article number: 15991. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14863-2.
- Pawłowska J., Zajączkowski M., Szczuciński W., Zaborska A., Kucharska M., Jernas, P.E., Forwick, M., 2017 – The influence of Coriolis force driven water circulation on the palaeoenvironment of Hornsund (S Spitsbergen) over the last century. Boreas, 46: 737–749. 10.1111/bor.12249.
- Piotrowski A., Szczuciński W., Sydor P., Kortys B., Rzodkiewicz M., Krzymińska J., 2017 – Sedimentary evidence of extreme storm surge or tsunami events in the southern Baltic Sea (Rogowo area, NW Poland). Geological Quarterly, 61(4): 973-986.
- Włodarski W., Papis J., Szczuciński W., 2017 – Morphology of the Morasko crater field (western Poland): Influences of pre-impact topography, meteoroid impact processes, and post-impact alterations. Geomorphology, 295: 586-597.
- Skolasińska K., Rachlewicz G., Szczuciński W., 2016 – Micromorphology of modern tills in southwestern Spitsbergen – insights into depositional and post-depositional processes. Polish Polar Research, 37(4): 435–456. link – open access
- Szczuciński W., Pawłowska J., Lejzerowicz F., Nishimura Y., Kokociński M., Majewski W., Nakamura Y., Pawlowski J., 2016 – Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals past tsunami deposits. Marine Geology, 381: 29-33.
- Buchwał A., Szczuciński W., Strzelecki M., Long A.J., 2015 – New insights into the 21 November 2000 tsunami in west Greenland from analyses of tree-ring structure of Salix glauca. Polish Polar Research, 36(1): 51-65. link – open access
- Long A.J., Szczuciński W., Lawrence T., 2015 – Sedimentary evidence for a mid-Holocene iceberg-generated tsunami in a coastal lake, west Greenland. Arktos, 1(6), doi: 10.1007/s41063-015-0007-7.
- Łącka M., Zajączkowski M., Forwick M., Szczuciński W., 2015 – Late Weichselian and Holocene paleoceanography of Storfjordrenna, southern Svalbard. Climate of the Past, 11(3): 587-603.
- Skolasińska K., Szczuciński W., Mitręga M., Jagodziński R., Lorenc S., 2015 – Sedimentary record of 2010 and 2011 Warta River seasonal floods in the region of Poznań, Poland. Geological Quarterly, 59(1): 47-60.
- Streuff K., Forwick M., Szczuciński W., Andreassen K., Ó Cofaigh C., 2015 – Submarine landform assemblages and sedimentary processes related to glacier surging in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Arktos, 1(14), doi: 10.1007/s41063-015-0003-y.
- Chagué-Goff C., Wong H.K.Y., Sugawara D., Goff J., Nishimura Y., Beer J., Szczuciński W., Goto K., 2014 – Impact of Tsunami Inundation on Soil Salinisation: Up to One Year After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami. In: Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned – Environmental and Societal Significance. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 35: 193-214.
- Drewniak M., Strzelecki M., Szczuciński, 2014 – Factors controlling beach development in Vaigat Strait, West Greenland – insights from automated grain size analysis. In: Migała K. (ed.) Diversity and state of polar ecosystems. Results of the 35th Polar Symposium Wrocław, 5-7 of June 2014, University of Wroclaw.
- Grzelak, K., Szczuciński, W., Kotwicki, L., Sugawara, D., 2014 – Ecological Status of Sandy Beaches After Tsunami Events: Insights from Meiofauna Investigations After the 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami, Sendai Bay, Japan. In: Tsunami Events and Lessons Learned – Environmental and Societal Significance. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 35: 177-191.
- Pawłowska J., Lejzerowicz F., Esling P., Szczuciński W., Zajączkowski M., Pawłowski J., 2014 – Ancient DNA sheds new light on the Svalbard foraminiferal fossil record of the last millennium. Geobiology, 12: 277-288.
- Sternal B., Szczuciński W., Forwick M., Zajączkowski M., Lorenc S., Przytarska J., 2014 – Postglacial variability in near-bottom current speed on the continental shelf off south-west Spitsbergen. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29: 767–777.
- Unverricht D., Nguyen T.C., Heinrich C., Szczuciński W., Lahajnar N., Stattegger K., 2014 – Suspended sediment dynamics during the inter-monsoon season in the subaqueous Mekong Delta and adjacent shelf, Southern Vietnam. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79: 509-519.
- Witus A.E., Branecky C.M., Anderson J.B., Szczuciński W., Schroeder D., Blankenship D.D., Jakobsson M., 2014 – Meltwater Intensive Glacial Retreat in Polar Environments and Investigation of Associated Sediments: Example from Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 85: 99–118.
- Lejzerowicz F., Esling P., Majewski W., Szczuciński W., Decelle J., Obadia C., Arbizu P.M., Pawlowski J., 2013 – Ancient DNA complements microfossil record in deep-sea subsurface sediments. Biology Letters, 9(4): No. 20130283.
- Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2013 – Raised marine terraces in the vicinity of the north part of Billefjorden [Podniesione terasy morskie w otoczeniu północnej części Billefjorden]. In: Ancient and modern geoecosystems of Spitsbergen – Polish geomorphological research [Dawne i współczesne geoekosystemy Spitsbergenu – Polskie badania geomorfologiczne], Zwoliński, Z., Kostrzewski, A., Pulina, M. (eds). Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 379-389.
- Szczuciński W., Jagodziński R., Hanebuth T.J.J., Stattegger K., Wetzel A., Mitręga M., Unverricht D., Phach P.V., 2013 – Modern sedimentation and sediment dispersal pattern on the continental shelf off the Mekong River delta, South China Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 110: 195-213.
- Unverricht D., Szczuciński W., Stattegger K., Jagodziński R., Le X.T., Kwong L.L.W., 2013 – Modern sedimentation and morphology of the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam. Global and Planetary Change, 110: 223-235.
- Chagué-Goff C., Andrew A., Szczuciński W., Goff J., Nishimura Y., 2012 – Geochemical signatures up to the maximum inundation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami — implications for the 869 AD Jōgan and other palaeotsunamis. Sedimentary Geology, 282: 65-77.
- Chagué-Goff C., Niedzielski P., Wong H.K.Y., Szczuciński W., Sugawara D., Goff J., 2012 – Environmental impact assessment of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami on the Sendai Plain. Sedimentary Geology, 282: 175-187.
- Feldens P., Schwarzer K., Sakuna D., Szczuciński W., Sompongchaiyakul P., 2012 – Sediment distribution on the inner continental shelf off Khao Lak (Thailand) after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Earth, Planets and Space, 64: 875-887.
- Jagodziński R., Sternal B., Szczuciński W., Chagué-Goff C., Sugawara D., 2012 – Heavy minerals in the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposits—insights into sediment sources and hydrodynamics. Sedimentary Geology, 282: 57-64.
- Majewski, W., Wellner, J.S., Szczuciński, W., Anderson, J.B., 2012 – Holocene oceanographic and glacial changes recorded in Maxwell Bay, West Antarctica. Marine Geology, 326-328: 67-79.
- Richmond B., Szczuciński W., Chagué-Goff C., Goto K., Sugawara D., Witter R., Tappin D.R., Jaffe B., Fujino S., Nishimura Y., Goff J., 2012 – Erosion, deposition and landscape change on the Sendai coastal plain, Japan, resulting from the March 11, 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami. Sedimentary Geology, 282: 27-39.
- Sakuna D., Szczuciński W., Feldens P., Schwarzer K., Khokiattiwong S., 2012 – Sedimentary deposits left by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami offshore Khao Lak, Andaman Sea (Thailand). Earth, Planets and Space, 64: 931-943.
- Szczuciński, W., 2012 – The post-depositional changes of the onshore 2004 tsunami deposits on the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. Natural Hazards 60(1): 115-133.
- Szczuciński, W., Kokociński, M., Rzeszewski, M., Chagué-Goff, C., Cachao, M., Goto, K., Sugawara, D., 2012 – Sediment sources and sedimentation processes of 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposits on the Sendai Plain, Japan – insights from diatoms, nannoliths and grain size distribution. Sedimentary Geology, 282: 40-56.
- Szczuciński, W., Rachlewicz, G., Chaimanee, N., Saisuttichai, D., Tepsuwan, T., Lorenc, S., 2012 – 26 December 2004 tsunami deposits left in areas of various tsunami runup in coastal zone of Thailand. Earth, Planets and Space, 64: 843-858
- Szczuciński, W., Zajączkowski, M., 2012 – Factors controlling downward fluxes of particulate matter in glacier-contact and non-glacier contact settings in a subpolar fjord (Billefjorden, Svalbard). In: Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes on Continental Shelves: Advances in technologies, research and applications (Special Publication 44 of the IAS), Li M., Sherwood C., Hill P. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 369-386.
- Yawsangratt S., Szczuciński W., Chaimanee N., Chatprasert S., Majewski W., Lorenc S., 2012 – Evidence of probable paleotsunami deposits on Kho Khao Island, Phang Nga Province, Thailand. Natural Hazards, 63: 151-163.
- Zajączkowski, M., Darecki, M., Szczuciński, W., 2010 – Report on the development of the Vistula river plume in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk during the May 2010 flood. Oceanologia 52(2):311-317.
- Zajączkowski, M., Szczuciński, W., Plessen, B., Jernas, P., 2010 – Benthic foraminifera in Hornsund, Svalbard – Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Polish Polar Research, 31(4): 349-375.
- Feldens, P., Schwarzer, K., Szczuciński, W., Stattegger, K., Sakuna, D., Somgpongchaiykul, P., 2009 – Impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on seafloor morphology and sediments offshore Pakarang Cape, Thailand. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18(1): 63-68.
- Grzelak, K., Kotwicki, L., Szczuciński, W., 2009 – Monitoring of sandy beach meiofaunal assemblages and sediments after the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18(1): 43-51.
- Jagodziński, R., Sternal, B., Szczuciński, W., Lorenc, S., 2009 – Heavy minerals in the 2004 tsunami deposits on Kho Khao island, Thailand. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18(1):103-110.
- Kokociński, M., Szczuciński, W., Zgrundo, A., Ibragimow, A., 2009 – Diatom assemblages in 26 December 2004 tsunami deposits from coastal zone of Thailand as sediment provenance indicators. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies18(1): 93-101.
- Majewski, W., Szczuciński, W., Zajączkowski, M., 2009 – Interactions of Arctic and Atlantic water masses and associated environmental changes during the last millennium, Hornsund (SW Svalbard). Boreas 38(3):529-544.
- Szczuciński, W., Stattegger, K., Scholten, J., 2009 – Modern sediments and sediment accumulation rates on the narrow shelf off central Vietnam, South China Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 29(1): 47-59.
- Szczuciński, W., Zajączkowski, M., Scholten, J., 2009 – Sediment accumulation rates in subpolar fjords – impact of post-Little Ice Age glaciers retreat, Billefjorden, Svalbard. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 85(3): 345-356.
- Yawsangratt, S., Szczuciński, W., Chaimanee, N., Jagodziński, R., Lorenc, S., Chatprasert, S., Saisuttichai, D., Tepsuwan, T., 2009 – Depositional effects of the 2004 tsunami and hypothetical paleotsunami near Thap Lamu Navy Base in Phang Nga Province, Thailand. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18(1): 17-23.
- Zioła-Frankowska, A., Frankowski, M., Szczuciński, W., Siepak, J., 2009 – Analysis of labile aluminium form in grain size fractions of tsunami deposits in Thailand. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 18(1): 77-85.
- Kozak, L., Niedzielski, P., Szczuciński, W., 2008 – The methodology and results of determination of inorganic arsenic species in mobile fractions of tsunami deposits by a hyphenated technique of HPLC-HG-AAS. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 88: 989-1003.
- Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2008 – Changes in thermal structure of permafrost active layer in a dry polar climate, Petuniabukta, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 29(3): 261-278.
- Szczuciński, W., 2008 – Potencjalne skutki geologiczne i środowiskowe tsunami na wybrzeżu Bałtyku. In: Rotnicki K., Jasiewicz J., Woszczyk M. [eds] Holoceńskie przemiany wybrzeży i wód południowego Bałtyku – przyczyny, uwarunkowania i skutki. Wydawnictwo Tekst sp. z o. o., Poznań-Bydgoszcz: 119-125.
- Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., Ewertowski, M., 2007 – Post-“Little Ice Age” retreat rates of glaciers around Billefjorden in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 28: 159-186.
- Szczuciński, W., Niedzielski, P., Kozak, L., Frankowski, M., Zioła, A., Lorenc, S., 2007 – Effects of rainy season on mobilization of contaminants from tsunami deposits left in a coastal zone of Thailand by the 26 December 2004 tsunami. Environmental Geology 53: 253-264.
- Szczuciński, W., Rachlewicz, G., 2007 – Geological setting of the Petuniabukta region. Landform Analysis 5: 212-215 and 220.
- Boszke, L., Kowalski, A., Szczuciński, W., Rachlewicz, G., Lorenc, S., Siepak, J., 2006 – Assessment of mercury mobility and bioavailability by fractionation method in sediments from coastal zone inundated by the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Environmental Geology 51: 527-536.
- Kotwicki, L., Szczuciński, W., 2006 – Meiofauna assemblages and sediment characteristic of sandy beaches on the west coast of Thailand after the 2004 tsunami event. Phuket Marine Biological Centre Research Bulletin 67: 39-47.
- Szczuciński, W., Chaimanee, N., Niedzielski, P., Rachlewicz, G., Siasuttichai, D., Tepsuwan, T., Lorenc, S., Siepak, J., 2006 – Environmental and geological impacts of the 26 December 2004 tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand – overview of short and long-term effects. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 15(5): 793-810.
- Gibas, J. Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2005 – Application of DC resistivity soundings and geomorphological surveys in studies of modern Arctic glacier marginal zones, Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research, 26(4): 239-258.
- Szczuciński, W., Jagodziński, R., Nguyen, T.T., Kubicki, A., Stattegger, K., 2005 – Sediment dynamics and hydrodynamics during low river discharge conditions in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam. Meyniana, 57: 117-132.
- Szczuciński, W., Niedzielski, P., Rachlewicz, G., Sobczyński, T., Zioła, A., Kowalski, A., Lorenc, S., Siepak, J., 2005 – Contamination of tsunami sediments in a coastal zone inundated by the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Environmental Geology, 49(2): 321-331.
- Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2004 – Seasonal, annual and decadal ice mass balance changes in Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku, the Tatra Mountains, Poland. Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 17: 11-18.
- Zajączkowski, M., Szczuciński, W., Bojanowski, R., 2004 – Recent changes in sediment accumulation rates in Adventfjorden, Svalbard. Oceanologia, 46: 217-231.
- Gulińska, J., Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., Barałkiewicz, D., Kózka, M., Bulska, E., Burzyk, M., 2003 – Soil contamination in the High Arctic Areas of Human Impact, Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 12: 701-707.
- Karczewski, A., Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2003 – Sediment texture in contemporary glacial environment – examples from Hansbreen, southern Spitsbergen. Geologos, 6: 111-131.
- Szczuciński, W., Stattegger, K., 2001 – Style and rate of shelf sedimentation offshore Nha Trang, Vietnam, South China Sea. Meyniana, 53: 143-162. full text
- Jagodziński, R., Lorenc, S., Szczuciński, W., 2000 – Z badań geologicznych na Morzu Południowochińskim. Przegląd Geologiczny, 48: 753-754.
- Rachlewicz, G., Szczuciński, W., 2000 – Ice tectonics and bedrock relief control on glacial sedimentation – an example from Hansbreen, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Studies. 27th Polar Symposium: 259-275.