mgr inż. Bartosz Pieterek

Telefon: 0048-61 829 60 64
Pokój: 214


profil na Research Gate:


Specjalność: petrologia, geochemia, mineralogia, geologia, planetarna, wulkanizm, siarczki, geologia złóż

Zainteresowania naukowe:

  • Petrologia i geochemia skał płaszczowych
  • Migracja pierwiastków chalkofilnych w obrębie górnego płaszcza i dolnej skorupy
  • Mineralogia i geochemia siarczków
  • Procesy wulkaniczne na Marsie
  • Datowanie powierzchni wulkanicznych na Marsie
Principal investigator
2019-2023 Melt-mantle reaction and potential metal enrichment along the subcontinental crust-mantle boundary (Balmuccia peridotite massif, Italy) Funding: National Science Center Poland, PRELUDIUM 16, grant no. 2018/31/N/ST10/02146

Research assistant
2020-2024 Towards understanding endogenous ore formation on Mars: new data from ExoMars/TGO and geochemical fingerprinting of meteorites; Funding: National Science Center Poland, program OPUS 19, grant no. 2020/37/B/ST10/01420

2019-2023 Sulfide differentiation and enrichment in metals at the lower oceanic crust and crust-mantle transition: ICDP OmanDP holes; Funding: National Science Center Poland, program OPUS 17, grant no. 2019/33/B/ST10/03016

2017-2018 A profile of multiple sulfur, oxygen, and strontium isotopes and related chalcophile elements through the lower slow-spreading crust (IODP Expedition 360, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge; Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), grant no. KO 1723/23-1.

2017-2020 Migration of chalcophile metals through the lower oceanic crust: Insights from IODP Site 1473; Funding: National Science Center Poland, program PRELUDIUM 12, grant no. 2016/23/N/ST10/00288

2017-2018 Sulfide-rich interval discovered deep in the lower crust (U1473A, Atlantis Bank, SWIR); Funding: ECORD Research Grant

2016-2017 Sulfur and chalcophile element profile in the slow-spreading lower oceanic crust: Hole 1473A, Atlantis Bank; Funding: The Graduate Academy of Leibniz Universität Hannover, grant no. 60421784

2013-2017 Circulation of copper and other chalcophile elements within SubMoho Mantle and oceanic crust; Funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Diamond Grant), grant no. DI2012 2057 42
Mazurek, H., Matusiak-Małek, M., Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., Puziewicz, J. 2021. Metal enrichment as a result of subcontinental lithospheric mantle refertilization? The Befang xenoliths (Oku Volcanic Group, Cameroon) case study. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland, 29th August - 2nd of September 2021

Mazurek, H., Ciazela, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Pieterek, B., Puziewicz, J., Lazarov, M., Horn, I., Ntaflos, T. 2021. Sulfides in mantle peridotites as indicators of metasomatic processes? Insight from Lower Silesian (N Bohemian Massif) xenoliths. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland, 29th August - 2nd of September 2021

Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., Marciniak, D., Mazurek, H., Słaby, E. 2021. Zones of enrichment in metals in the oceanic and continental upper mantle. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland, 29th August - 2nd of September 2021

Marciniak, D., Ciazela, J., Jesus, A., Koepke, J., Pieterek, B., Strauss, H., Słaby, E., Prell, M., Jokubauskas, P. 2021. Sulfur profile and ore minerals across the Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (OmanDP ICDP Hole CM1A). 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland, 29th August - 2nd of September 2021

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Tribuzio, R., Kuhn, T., Matusiak-Małek, M., Nowak, I. 2021. Metal enrichment across crust-mantle transition zone: Insight from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference, Cracow, Poland, 29th August - 2nd of September 2021 – [oral presentation]

Marciniak, D., Ciazela, J., Jesus, A., Koepke, J., Pieterek, B., Słaby, E., Prell, M. 2021. Ore-minerals across the Crust-Mantle Transition Zone (OmanDP ICDP Hole CM1A). 2nd workshop on Electron probe micro-analysis in Athens, Greece, 5th-9th of April 2021 – [poster]

Mazurek, H., Ciazela, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Pieterek, B., Puziewicz, J., Lazarov, M., Horn, I., Ntaflos, T. 2021. Metal enrichment as a result of SCLM metasomatism? Insight from ultramafic xenoliths from SW Poland. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19th-30th of April – [oral presentation]

Laban, M., Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Muszyński, A. Pole wulkanicznych stożków scoria w rejonie Noctis Fossae na Marsie. Pipeline 2021 – Conference of the AAPG Student Chapters, Poznań, Poland, 20th of March 2020 – [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J. 2021. Strefa wzbogacenia w metale wzdłuż subkontynentalnej granicy skorupy i płaszcza, masyw perydotytowy Balmuccia, Włochy. Pipeline 2021 – Conference of the AAPG Student Chapters, Poznań, Poland, 20th of March 2020 – [oral presentation]

Laban, M., Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Muszyński, A., 2020. Explosive volcanism in Noctis Fossae on Mars. Conference of Student Astronomy Research Chapters, 20th-22nd of November – [poster]

Ciazela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H., Pieterek, B., Kuhn, T., Dick, H.J.B., Wang, Z., Muszyński, A., Abe, N., 2020. Sulfide-oxide precipitation and enrichment in metals at the slow-spreading lower oceanic crust: A case from IODP Hole U1473A. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, Muscat, Oman, 12th-14th of January – [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Boulanger, M., France, L., Strauss, H., Pańczyk, M., Dick, H.J.B., Koepke, J., Kuhn, T, Muszyński, A., Czupyt, Z., 2020. Sulfide-rich melt-rock reaction zones in the lower oceanic crust: Atlantis Bank, SWIR. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere: Results of the Oman Drilling Project and Related Research, Muscat, Oman, 12th-14th of January – [poster]

Ciazela J., Mège D., Pieterek B., Ciazela M., Pasławski G., Kuzaj M., Giuranna M., Barylak J., Bakala J., Kowalinski M., Mrozek T., Plocieniak S., Tesson P-A., 2019. Imaging and infrared spectroscopy on Mars reveal young volcanism, hydrothermal activity, and ore formation. Progress on spectroscopy and imaging III, Wrocław, Poland, 19th-21st of November – [oral presentation]

Pieterek B., Ciazela J., Mège D., Lagain A., Ciazela, M., 2019. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter images reveal young age and underground structure of Tharsis volcanoes. Progress on spectroscopy and imaging III, Wrocław, Poland, 19th-21st of November – [oral presentation]

Ciazela J., Bakala J., Barylak J., Ciazela M., Kowalinski M., Plocieniak S., Gurgurewicz J., Mège D., Pieterek B., Szaforz Z., and Tesson P-A., 2019. Design of far-IR spectrometer to detect metal resources on Mars. 4th COSPAR Symposium, Herzliya, Israel, 4th-8th of November – [oral presentation]

Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Pieterek, B., Ciazela, M., Lagain, A., and Tesson, P-A., 2019. Active magmatism in Tharsis on Mars. First Martian Seminar, Cracow, Poland, 18th of October – [poster]

Ciazela M., Mège, D., Ciazela, J., Tesson, P.-T., Pieterek, B., 2019. Thermal mapping of the martin surface. First Martian Seminar, Cracow, Poland, 18th of October – [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Lagain, A., Ciazela, M., 2019. Late Amazonian parasitic cones of giant Tharsis volcanoes give insight into regional magmatic plumbing system. First Martian Seminar, Cracow, Poland, 18th of October – [poster]

Mazurek, H., Ciazela, J., Matusiak-Małek, M., Puziewicz, J., Ntaflos, T., Kukuła, A., Pieterek, B., 2019. Melt-mantle reaction and metal enrichment at the upper subcontinental mantle: Wilcza Góra xenoliths, SW Poland. 26th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Chęciny, Poland, 24th-27th of October - [poster]

Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., Grabowska, M., Muszyński, A., Mazurek, H., Patkó, L., 2019. Towards global model of enrichment in sulfides along the crust-mantle transition zone. 26th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Chęciny, Poland, 24th-27th of October - [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Tribuzio, R., 2019. Sulfide-rich melt-mantle reaction zones in the Balmuccia peridotite massif (NW Italy). 26th Meeting of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, Chęciny, Poland, 24th-27th of October - [poster]

Pieterek, B., and Ciazela, J., 2019. Migracja metali w dolnej skorupie kontynentalnej
i górnym płaszczu strefy Ivrea-Verbano we Włoszech. Geologia Warta Poznania, Poznań, Poland. 11th-12th of October – [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Tribuzio, R., Muszyński, A., 2019. Towards understanding metal migration trough subcontinental crust-mantle transition zones: First insights from the Ivrea-Verbano zone. International School entitled "Structure and Composition of the Lower Continental Crust" in Pavia, Italy. 7th-10th of October – [poster]

Ciazela, M., Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Giuranna, M., Podgórski, P., Pieterek, B., Gurgurewicz, J., Tesson, P.-T., and Wolkenberg, P., 2019. First thermal inertia maps from PFS/MEX dataset to track ice distribution on Mars. European Planetary Science Congress, 15th-20th of September – [oral presentation]

Szabó, C., Patkó, L., Ciazela, J., Aradi, L.E., Liptai, N., Pieterek, B., Holtz, F., and Kovács, I.J., 2019. Fe-Cu stable isotope and trace element variations during mantle metasomatism - a study on sulfide blebs from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin). Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 18th-23rd of August – [poster]

Ciazela, J., Weyer, S., Weyrauch, M., Horn, I., Dick, H.J.B., and Pieterek, B., 2019. Ni-Fe isotope fractionation during cooling of sulfide liquid. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 18th-23rd of August – [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Lagain, A., Ciazela, M., 2019. Mapping and dating of small volcanic cones to reconstruct Tharsis plumbing system. 2nd VO and Planetary Mapping Workshop, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France, 1st-3rd of July – [oral presentation and poster]

Ciazela M., Mège, D., Ciazela, J., Tesson, P.-T., and Pieterek, B., 2019. Thermal mapping of the martin surface. 2nd VO and Planetary Mapping Workshop, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France, 1st-3rd of July – [oral presentation and poster]

Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Pieterek, B., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., Lagain, A., and Tesson, P-A., 2019. Geomorphological constraints on the current eruptive flux in the Tharsis volcanic province. 2nd VO and Planetary Mapping Workshop, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France, 1st-3rd of July – [oral presentation and poster]

Mège, D. Ciazela, J., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., Tesson, P., Cremonese, G., Doute, S., Giuranna, M., Lagain, A., Massironi, M., Pieterek, B., Pirajno, F., Schmidt, F., and Thomas, N., 2019. The EXOMHYDR project: one year after. 3rd Interdisciplinary FNP Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 11th-12th of April - [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Lagain, A., Tesson, P.-T., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., and Muszyński, A., 2019. Link between parasitic cones and giant Tharsis volcanoes: New insights into the Tharsis magmatic plumbing system. EGU General Assembly, 7th-12th of April – [poster]

Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., Boulanger, M., Dick, H., France, L., Grabowska, M., Koepke, J., Kuhn, T., Muszyński, A., Strauss, H., and Wegorzewski A., 2019. Sulfide differentiation at the lower oceanic crust with high magma supply: fractional crystallization and melt-rock reaction (IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank). EGU General Assembly, 7th-12th of April – [oral presentation]

Patkó, L., Ciazela, J., Aradi, L.E., Liptai, N., Pieterek, B., Kovács, I.J., Holtz, F., and Szabó, C., 2019. Fe-Cu isotope signatures and trace element contents of sulfide blebs from peridotite xenoliths beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin). EGU General Assembly, 7th-12th of April – [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Tesson, P.-A., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., Lagain, A., and Muszyński, A., 2019. Parasitic cones in the Tharsis volcanic province on Mars: implications for its recent magmatic plumbing system. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18th-22nd of March – [poster]

Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Pieterek, B., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., Lagain, A., and Tesson, P.-A., 2019. Largest Tharsis volcanoes keep growing and mark >4-Ga-lasting Martian hot spots. 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18th-22nd of March – [oral presentation]

Patkó, L., Ciazela, J., Aradi, L.E., Liptai, N., Pieterek, B., Kovács, I.J., and Szabó, C., 2019. Felsőköpeny xenolitok szulfid zárványainak geokémiai (fő-,nyomelem és stabil izotóp) átalakulása metaszomatózis hatására – esettanulmány a Nógrád-Gömör Vulkáni Területről (Fe-Cu isotope signatures and trace element contents of sulfide blebs from peridotite xenoliths beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field). 14th Mineralogical Winter School, Veszprém, 18th-19th of January – [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Dick, H.J.B., and Muszyński, A., 2018. Local example of sulfide differentiation through melt-rock reaction at the lower oceanic crust (U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge). 25th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 25th-28th of October - [poster]

Ciazela, J., Mège, D., Ciazela, M., Gurgurewicz, J., Tesson, P-A., Pieterek, B., and Muszyński, A., 2018. Volcano heights reveal prolonged magmatic and hydrothermal activity in the Tharsis province on Mars. 25th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 25th-28th of October - [oral presentation]

Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., Panczyk, M., Czupyt, Z., Fiege, A., Muszyński, A., Koepke, J., and Lazarov, M., 2018. Pioneer SHRIMP measurements of S isotopes in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite: details of the method and first insight into S isotope fractionation during cooling of sulfide liquid. 25th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 25th-28th of October - [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Muszyński. A. and Szczepanik, M., 2018. PGE signature reveals origin of sulfide enrichment at the margin of focused late-stage magma flowing through crystal mush at the Atlantis Bank lower oceanic crust (Southwest Indian Ridge). 5th Session of Students Geological Chapters 2017, 11th -14th of October - [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Boulanger, M., France, L., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B. and Muszyński, A., 2018. Insight from Atlantis Bank igneous layering: focused magma flow reacts with crystal mush and leaves sulfides at the interface. IODP Post-cruise meeting Sicily, 14th-19th of May - [poster]

Ciazela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H., Pieterek, B., Dick, H.J.B., Muszyński, A., Kuhn, T., Wang, Z., Dultz, S. and Abe, N., 2018. Fractional crystallization controls metal transport across a slow-spread lower oceanic crust with a high magma budget. IODP Post-cruise meeting Sicily, 14th-19th of May - [oral presentation]

Janiec, A., Pieterek, B., and Kukulski, W., 2018. Zastosowanie tomografii elektrooporowej, jako uzupełnienie badań przy tworzeniu numerycznego modelu wpływu antropopresji na zmiany bilansu wodnego zlewni potoku Naramowickiego. Geology Days, 9th-13th of May - [oral presentation]

Janiec, A., Szokaluk, M., and Pieterek, B., 2018. Zastosowanie tomografii elektrooporowej, jako uzupełnienie badań kraterów meteorytowych – MORASKO. 11th Session of National Geophysical Workshops “Geosfera” 2018, 5th-8th of April - [oral presentation]

Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H, Pieterek, B., Muszyński, A., Dick, H.J.B., Kuhn, T., and Bender, M., 2017. Sulfur isotopes record chalcophile metal transport through the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. 24th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 19th-22nd of October - [oral presentation]

Pieterek, B., Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H., Dick, H.J.B., Duczmal-Czernikiewicz, A., Bedner, M., and Muszyński, A., 2017. Layer boundaries attract sulfides throughout the igneous layering of the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. 24th Session of the Petrology Group of the Mineralogical Society of Poland, 19th -22nd of October - [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciążela, J., Szczepanik, M., Duczmal-Czernikiewicz, A., and Muszyński. A., 2017. Sulfides help to understand the formation of igneous layering at the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. 4th Session of Students Geological Chapters 2017, 12th -14th of October - [oral presentation]

Ciążela. J., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B., Botcharnikov. R., Pieterek. B., Muszyński, A., and Kuhn, T., 2017. Shallow mantle controls sulfide differentiation in slow-spreading ridge magmas. GeoBremen 2017 “The System Earth and its Materials – from Seafloor to Summit”, 24th-29th of September - [poster]

Pieterek, B., Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B., Duczmal-Czernikiewicz, A., Bedner, M., Muszyński, A., and Szczepanik, M., 2017. Distribution of sulfides across igneous layering at the slow-spread lower oceanic crust: Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. 10th Geosymposium of Young Researchers „Silesia 2017”, Zabrze, 21st-23rd of September - [poster]

Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H., Bender, M., Pieterek, B., Kuhn, T., Dick, H.J.B., and Muszyński, A., 2016. Igneous Sulfides in Gabbros of the Lower Oceanic Crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. Goldschmidt conference, 13th-18th of August - [oral presentation]

Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Strauss, H., Pieterek, B., Bender, M., Dick, H.J.B., Kuhn, T., and Muszyński, A., 2017. Sulfide-rich interval in gabbros of the IODP drill core from site U1473 (Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge, SWIR). Gemeinsames Kolloquium der Schwerpunktprogramme IODP/ICDP, 14th-16th of March - [poster]

Bender, M., Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B., Strauss, H., Pieterek, B., Muszyński, A., and Kuhn, T., 2017. Sulfide-rich gabbro within the footwall of an oceanic core complex: looking into the source of seafloor massive sulfides. 2nd GOOD Meeting. Postgraduate conference on the „Geology of Ore Deposits“, 8th-11th of March - [poster]
Ciazela, M., Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B. High Resolution Apparent Thermal Inertia Mapping on Mars. Remote Sensing, 13(18), 3692 (doi:10.3390/rs13183692)

Patkó, L., Ciążela, J., Aradi, L.E., Liptai, N., Pieterek, B., Berkesi, M., Lazarov, M., Kovács, I.J., Holtz, F., Szabó, C. Iron isotope and trace metal variations during mantle metasomatism: In situ study on sulfide minerals from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin). Lithos; v. 396-397; 106238. (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106238)
Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B., Botcharnikov, R., Muszyński, A., Lazarov, M., Schuth, S., Pieterek, B., and Kuhn, T. Sulfide enrichment at an oceanic crust-mantle transition zone: Kane Megamullion (23°N, MAR). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; v. 230; p. 155-189. (doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.03.027)
Ciążela, J., Dick, H.J.B., Koepke, J., Pieterek, B., Muszyński, A., Botcharnikov, R., and Kuhn, T., 2017. Thin crust and exposed mantle control sulfide differentiation in slow-spreading ridge magmas. Geology; v. 45; no. 10; p. 935-938. (doi: 10.1130/G39287.1)